Oils and Fats

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1. Oils and Fats are tri esters of glycerol and fatty acids.
2. Lauric and stearic acids are the saturated fatty acids. Lauric acid → C11H23COOH.
     Stearic acid → C17H35COOH.
     Sources of Lauric acid → coconut oil and Butter
     Sources of stearic acid → Animals fat and Butter.
3. Oleic acid (C17H35COOH) and Lionoleic acid (C17H29COOH) are the unsaturated fatty acids.
              Sources of oleic acid → Butter, cotton seed oil, soya beans
              Sources of Linoleic acid → Lin seed.
4. Fats are prepared by the hydrogenation of oils in the presence of 'nickel' catalyst
5. Soaps are salts of fatty acids.
6. Chemically detergents are sodium salts of alkyl benzene sulphonates or fatty alcohol sulphates.


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