Chemistry and Industry

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1. Cement was invented in the year 1824 buy J.Aspin.
2. Cement is a mixture of calcium silicates and calcium aluminates.
3. Raw materials for cement are limestone and clay.
4. Cement is prepared by two methods. They are dry method and wet method.
5. At the time of preparing cement temperature maintain is 1700 - 1900°C
6. Hard greyish balls of calcium silicate and Aluminium silicates are called as ''Clinker Cement"
7. Glass is a mixture of sodium silicate, calcium silicate and sand.
8. Heating temperature of glass is 1000°C
9. Liquid glass is cooled by a special method known as annealing.
10. Ceramics are the products made from clay, felspar and sand.
11. Pottery or Terra-cotta are products of porous nature such as pots/jugs etc.
12. earthenware are glazed articles such as porcelain wall tiles crucibles and dishes.
13. Plastics are polymeric organic materials
14. Plastics are synthesized by addition or condensation polymerisation
15. Adhesives hold solid materials together by surface attachment
16. Gum-arabic, Shellac, animal glue etc are natural adhesives.
17. Urea formaldehyde, epoxy resins and silicons are some synthetic adhesives.
18. Plastics with certain properties are spun into fibres known as man-made fibres.
19. Melt spinning and dry spinning are two methods of spinning fibres from plastics.
20. Nylon, decoron, cellulose acetate and orion are some examples for man-made fibres.
21. Cosmetics are meant for improving attraction of a person.
22. Cold creams mainly contain almond-oil, bees-wax and rose water.
23. Dyes are useful for colouring textiles.
24. Chromophore and auxochrome are two groups that must present in a dye.
25. Dyes are classified into acidic, basic, direct, mordant, vat etc depending upon the method of application of dye to the fibre.
26. Depending upon chromophores in dyes they are classified as nitro dyes, nitrosodyes, Azo dyes and Quinon dyes etc.
27. Drugs are substances used in prevention, diagnosis treatment or cure of a disease.
28. Drugs are classified into six types based on therapeutic action. They are
      i) Drugs working on central nervous system
      ii) Drugs working on cardiovascualr system
      iii) Drugs working on foreign organisms
      iv) Chemo therapy drugs,
      v) Vitamins,
      vi) Hormones (Insulin, cartisone)
29. Pharmaceuticals are modified from of drugs such as tablets, capsules, lotions, syrups, tonics and injections.
30. Aspirin and paracetamol are the common drugs used in our daily life.
31. Petroleum products are converted into organic chemicals called pertochemicals, petrochemical in turn are converted into many useful products.
32. Petrol is a mixture of hydrocarbons with 5 to 9 carbon atoms.
33. Cooking gas in a mixture of butane, propane and propene compressed to liquid form called ''liquefied petroleum gas LPG".
33. Plants derive nutrients from soil, water, air
34. Required nutrients must be added to the soil in the form of manure or fertilizer.
35. Fertilizer provide N, P and K to the plants.
36. Urea, Ammonium Phosphates, Super Phosphates are common examples of fertilizers.
37. Plants require certain nutrients in micro quantities which are known as micronutrients.
Example: B, Cr, Mo, Mn, CO, Zn, Fe

Note: Maximum items are covered from this chapter in every public exam. One must be through with the chapter.


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