Carbohydrates and Proteins

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1. Polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones called as carbohydrates (or) Compound of carbon and water are called carbohydrates.
2. General formula of carbohydrates Cx (H2O)y
3. Carbohydrates are classified based on taste as sugars and non-sugars.
4. Carbohydrates containing aldehyde functional groups are called Aldoses, if carbohydrates contain ketone functional group are called ketoses.
5. Depending on number of carbon atoms in carbohydrates they are classified as Trioses (Three Carbon atoms), tetroses (4 carbon atom) and Pentoses with 5 carbon atoms.
6. Based on the character of hydrolysis of carbohydrates they are classified as monosaccharirdes, oligosaccharrides and polysaccharrides.
              Example for
               Monosaccharirdes: a) Glucose, Fructose and Mannose
               Oligosaccharrides: (They form 2 to 9 monosacharrides on hydrolysis).Ex: Sucrose, Maltose.
                Polysaccharrides: (They give more monosaccharirdes on Hydrolysis. General formula is (C6H10O5)n ) Ex: Starch, Cellulose.
7. Carbohydrates (glucose) in prepared by plants by a process known as photosynthesis.
8. Glucose given energy to the living cells.
9. Carbohydrates provide food, clothes and shelter for us.
10.Glucose is tested by Tollen's and Benedict's reagent.
11.Sugar is manufactured from sugar-cane which involves broadly four steps.
          a. Extraction of juice from sugar-cane
          b. Purification of sugar-cane juice
          c. Concentration of juice and crystallisation.
          d. Separation of Crystals and drying.
12.The byproducts of sugar industry are bagasse, wax, press mud and molasses. Alcohol is prepared from molasses by fermenting the same with yeast cells. Yeast cells contains two types of enzymes. CO2 is a byproduct of alcohol industry.
13. Amino acids contain amino (NH2) and Carboxylic Acid (CaOH) groups is a molecule.
14. Amino acids have salt like or zwitter ionic structure.
15. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.
16. Human body cannot prepare nine amino acids which are called as essential amino acids.
17. The – CO – NH – bond is called peptide bond.
18. The result product obtained by the joint of a large number of amino acids, is called polypeptide. Hemoglobin which carries oxygen is a protein consists 574 amino acids. By changing one amino acid in Hemoglobin this will be converted to sickle cell hemoglobin.
19. Each protein has its own number and sequence of amino acids and performs a specific function.


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