Chemistry of Carbon Compounds

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1. Valency of carbon is four. Carbon exhibits allotropy. Allotropic forms of carbon are Diamond, graphic and C60.
2. In diamond carbon atoms are arranged in tetrahedral structure.
3. In graphite carbon atoms are arranged in hexagonal structure.
4. C60 having a football like structure contains 12 pentagons and 20 hexagon rings.
5. Solid CO2 is known as dry ice.
6. Carbon exhibits catenation and Isomerism.
7. Dry distillation of coal given many important carbon compounds.
8. The compounds of carbon and hydrogen are called as Hydrocarbons.
          a) Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons. They under go substitution reactions.
          b) Alkenes, Alkynes and Benzenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons.
          c) Some unsaturated hydrocarbons undergo polymerisation.
9.  A group of atoms in carbon compounds showing characteristic properties is called functional group.
10. Alcohols (– OH), aldehydes (– CHO), Ketones acids (– COOH), esters (– COOR) and ...... (– NH2) are some important esters (– COOR) and amines (– NH2) are some important functional groups.
11. Aldehydes are detected with Tollen's test.
12. A piece of sodium metal reacts with alcohol immediately and liberates Hydrogen. This is
due to C – OH group.


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