Acids,Bases And Salts

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1. Acids turn blue litmus to red and bases turn red litmus to blue.
2. Acids are formed when metallic oxides are dissolved in water.
3. Bases are formed when non-metallic oxides are dissolved in water.
4. Low volatile acids are prepared from high volatile acids.
5. Hydrogen is released When acids react with metals.
6. Water and salt are formed when acids react with bases.
7. According to Arrhenius theory acids produce H+ ions, and bases produce OH– ions in aqueous media.
8. Combination of H+ and OH– ions is called neutralisation.
9. All acids and bases are not falling under Arrhenius theory of Acids and bases.
10. [H+] × [OH–] is called ionic product of water.
11. pH scale was introduced by Sorenson. pH = –log[H+]
12. pH value of acids is between '0' and '7' and that of bases is between 7 and 14.
13. Neutral solution has a pH of 7.
14. For a reaction between strong acid and strong base the heat neutralisation is 13.7 K.Cal mol–1.
15. For a reaction involving weak acid and weak base, the heat of neutralization is less than 13.7 K.Cal.


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