Alkaline Earth Metals

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♦ Beryllium (Be), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca), Strontium (Sr), Barium (Ba) and Radium (Ra) are the elements belong to IIA group of the periodic table.
♦ Their general electronic configuration is ns2. (where n = 2, 3...)
♦ Radium is a Radioactive element.
♦ Atomic size of elements from Beryllium to Radium increaser.
♦ Ionization energies and electronegativity of IIA elements decrease turn Be to Ra.
♦ All elements react with water to form their respective hydroxides and liberate Hydrogen.
♦ All elements react with oxygen to form their respective oxides. But Barium forms even peroxides besides oxides.
♦ All elements except Beryllium form Hydrides when they react with hydrogen.
♦ All elements react with chlorine and form their respective metallic chlorides.


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