Our World - Environmental Education

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Environmental education (EE) refers to organized efforts to teach about how natural environments function and, particularly, how human beings can manage their behavior and ecosystems in order to live sustainably. The term is often used to imply education within the school system, from primary to post-secondary. However, it is sometimes used more broadly to include all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc. Related disciplines include outdoor education and experiential education.

Environmental education is a learning process that increases people's knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes, motivations, and commitments to make informed decisions and take responsible action (UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, 1978).

1) What are the advantages of watershed management?
In watershed management system roots of trees hold moisture around them. When there are many trees close by as in a forest, all of them together hold large quantities of water.
1. This water gets released when that area is full of water and is unable to hold any more water further this water flows and forms into streams. So trees rained on slopes that have steps cut across them hold the rain water as it falls.
2. Watershed also increases the moisture in the soil. In places where agriculture depends only on rain water, the watershed method is most efficient.
3. The water shed method increases the moisture in the soil and prevents soil erosion as trees roots hold the soil firmly.

2. What are mangroves? Explain their protective nature?
1. Forests that grow hear sea shores are called mangroves. Mangroves grow well in delta area where the
rivers join the sea.
2. They can withstand the salt water well. We find them in good numbers in Krishna – Godavari delta areas
and also in the Ganga delta area.
3. Mangroves protect the shore from the lashing waves sunder bans in west Bengal are the largest mangrove
forests in the world.
4. Mangroves protect us from intensity of natural calamities, like tsunamis, provided we protect them.
5. We should not cut down the trees in the coastal areas.

3. Explain the term social forestry and write its advantages?
1. Man made forests are called social forests.
2. Social forests can also give us fire wood, timber needed for houses, grass for cattle, fence used for protection of fields shade and different kinds of fruits and nuts.
3. Raising social forests makes the cities cool which are otherwise becoming hotter and also ushers in rainfall.
4. If plants are grown in front of houses in colonies, in parks in offices in schools, play grounds, they develop like gardens and provide shade to all.
5. This plants filter the polluted air and provide oxygen to cities and firewood to villages.

4. What is biotechnology? Mention its uses.
Biotechnology is the combination of molecular science, micro biology and the principles of biochemistry. Use of biological process on an industrial scale to produce materials for our daily use is called biotechnology. It is the scientist that puts micro organisms to optimum use.
1) We can produce antibodies from bacteria and fungi.
2) We can produce medicines to fight cancer; we can also grow hormones and insulin.
3 We can produce sweet substances without using sugar
4 We can manufacture abundant quantities of enzymes needed in industries.
5 We can produce better pulses and better proteins.

5. What are the causes of oilspills?
Fuels from sailing ships leak and enter the sea water .when oils and fuels are disembarks, they leak and enter the sea water.
2. Pipes supplying fuels leak and spill into the water.
3. Oils and fuels used in houses and industries pass through drains into rivers finally into the seas.
4. Rain water washes the roads and vehicles in our towns and carries the oil and grease in our towns and carries the oil and grease finally into the sea.
5. The fuels used in automobile repair shops finally reach the seas through drains and rivers.

6) What are the active causes for the thinning of ozone layer?
A) 1. Nitrogen oxides are released from vehicles, industries and supersonic jet aero planes. There gases
reach the stratosphere and weaken the ozone atoms and ozone layer gets thin allowing harmful UV rays to
reach the ground level.
2. Chlorofluoro carbons are used in refrigerators air conditioners, foam blowers and aerosols. There are
called freons. In fire extinguishers halons are used .when CFC and halons are used, the gases released from
them destroy the ozone atoms and ozone layer gets thin and harmful UV rays reach the earth. In their place,
we now get substances that cause lesser damage to the ozone layer. We need to propagate the use of these
alternatives and convince people of the serious of the problem.

7. What are Acid rains? Why do they rain?
1. Robert Endurs spoke about acid rain in 1872.
2. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released by factories and motor vehicles.
3. These gases travel thousands of kilometers, on reaching atmosphere combine with air to form sulphuric
acid and nitric acid and fall on the earth along with the rains, this is called acid rain.

8. What is the effect of El Nino?
1. It is because of El Nino that several countries in Africa and south – East Asia suffer from scanty rain fall,
drought and famines.
2. It is because of El Nino that forests in Indonesia are ablaze snow storms hit Canada floods create havoc in
south and North America and high summer heat scorches several places in our country.

9. What are the uses of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)?
1. Destruction of Natural resources affects our health. Growing number of vehicles increase the release of
harmful gases.
2. The use of Natural gas as an alternate clean fuel has started recently.
3. If vehicles using natural gas fly in the cities, it will reduce pollution and we may get more fresh air.
4. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is Colorless, odour less and lighter than air. It is mixture of hydrocarbons.
5. It is less polluting and thus environment friendly fuel.
6.”Delhi” is the only city in the world, where vehicles are running on CNG.
7. Air pollution is Delhi has come down after the use of CNG and load of harmful gases that mix the air has
8. If we use our fuel resources competently, we may still find a way out of the mess of air pollution.

10. What is green house effect?
1. These green house gases form a layer at some height over the earth.
2. The harmful short – wave radiation emitted from the sun also reaches the earth.
3. The earth receives a part of this heat and sends back the rest into space in the form of radiation.
4. The chlorofluorocarbons, methane, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons which envelope the earth and trap
the heat from the sun and increase the ground level temperature of the earth this is called the green house

11.What is humus?
The dead bodies of animals, fallen leaves, seeds and banks of trees decompose and become a part of the soil this is called humus.

12) What is estuary?
A) Estuary is a place in the sea that is close to the rivers. It is also called mouth of the river.

13) What is agro forestry?
A) Growing trees along with agriculture in the farm is called agro forestry.

14) What is bio piracy?
Stealthy acquisition of germplasm of plants and animals available in other plants and animals available in other places and countries and establishing proprietary rights over them is called bio piracy.

15) What does biodiversity mean?
A) Biodiversity means having a variety of plants or animals in a particular place.

16) What is “EXSITU” Protection?
A) Protection of species of plants and animals by taking them away from their natural habitat to place where
such is created artificially is called “EXSITU” protection.

Fill In The Blanks
1) _______________is the ECO friendly fuel.
2) By using __________lamps the consumption of power can be brought down.
3) ____________are called carbons sinks.
4) Wild life protection act was passed in the year of ______________
5) Forests that grow near the sea shores are called _____________
6) Azolla gives nourishment to plants that yield _______________
7) __________bird was killed for its meat and has completely vanished.
8) Our eardrum is affected if noise pollution goes beyond ____________
9) Chemical colours used in holi ___________our eyes.
10) PH value of acid rain water ranges from __________ to ___________
11) _______________is used in refrigerators.
12) CNG is ____________
13) EL NINO is a _____________________
14) If an ordinary bulb consumes 75 watts, the compact fluorescent lamp consumer’s ___________watts.
15) Having a variety of plants or animals in a particular place is called ___________
16) _____________thermometer measures the maximum and minimum temperature in a day.
17) In fire extinguishers ___________are used.
18) Fluoride in water deforms the _____________
19) Cellular phones produce _____________
20) Pesticides are not sprayed on cotton crops in ______________
21) ____________is the only city in the world where vehicles are plying on CNG.
22) ___________in water is harmful as it causes skeletal degradation.

1. CNG
2. CFL
3. Grass lands
4. 1972
5. Mangroves
6. Grains
7. Dodo
8. 100 Decibels
9. Harm
10. 1.5 to 5
11. Chlorofluoro carbons
12. Compressed natural gas
13. Scanty rainfall
14. 18
15. Biodiversity
16. Six maximum and minimum
17. Halons
18. Teeth
19. Radiations
20. China
21. Delhi
22. Fluoride


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