Due to their nonspecific character, these symptoms are not often recognized as signs of HIV infection. Even cases that do get seen by a family doctor or a hospital are often misdiagnosed as one of the many common infectious diseases with overlapping symptoms. Thus, it is recommended that HIV be considered in patients presenting an unexplained fever who may have risk factors for the infection.
1) Expand HIV and AIDS?
AIDS: Acquired Immuno Deficiency syndrome
HIV: Human Immune Deficiency Virus
2) What are the enzymes present in the HIV?
Enzymes present in the HIV are
1. Reverse Transcriptase
2. Integrase
3. Protease
3) Name the Tests to detect HIV antibodies?
Test to detect HIV: There are three types of blood tests
1. ELISA – Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
2. PCR - polymerase chain Reaction
3. Western Blot Test (WBT) - The blood tests detect the presence or absence of Antibodies to confirm the HIV positive /negative status respectively.
4) What are the modes of HIV transmission?
HIV may infect in four routes. They are
1. Blood – when the infected blood is given to other person
2. Sex – when one of the partners is infected.
3. Syringes and needles: when unsterilized syringes and needles are used
4. Mother to child – when the mother is suffering with AIDS. The child born to her may get disease.
5) Why life skills are necessary for everyone to face the challenge of life especially in the context of HIV –AIDS? Which life skills one must have to practice?
In order to face the challenges like HIV – AIDS, it is desirable that the children develop certain life skills
1. Decision making skills: This means critical thinking and making right decisions in life.
2. Interpersonal skills: Healthy relationship between friends and classmates etc.
3. Communication skills: Freely expressing their views, fears, doubts, anxiety etc.
4. Handling peer pressure: Making value judgments on request from friends etc.
5. Coping skills: To adjust with situations of life.
6. Building caring relationships: Respecting friends and others, especially of the opposite gender.
6) Write briefly about stages of HIV-AIDS (or) explain the stages of HIV-AIDS?
There are four stages in HIV infected person:
1. Acute HIV infection: it is an illness, which occurs in an individual when infected by HIV usually within 2-6 weeks. At this stage, there are high levels of virus in blood. There are no Antibodies.
2. HIV Positive “A symptomatic period”:p At this stage the person is tested positive for HIV antibodies but remains without symptoms. Usually this stage lasts for about 3-5 years.
3. HIV positive symptomatic period: In this stage immunity decreases, the person gets symptoms like fever, loose motions, and skin diseases, which persist for considerable time. This period lasts for 2-3
4. AIDS stage: It is usually 5-10 years after the entry of HIV the persons reach AIDS stage. In this stage the disease fighting capacity of the body is greatly reduced due to deficiency of immune system.
7) Name the two scientists who discovered HIV?
HIV was discovered independently by Luc Montagnaire in 1983 at Paris and Robert Gallo at USA in 1984.
8) Which enzyme is responsible for the unique nature of HIV?
Reverse transcriptase is the enzyme responsible for unique nature of HIV.
9) Give two ways by which HIV is not infected?
A) HIV is not spread through sharing food, touching and hugging, kissing on cheeks, shaking hands, sharing toilet seats, caring for someone with HIV or AIDS, sharing belongings and through mosquitoes and other insects bite.
10) Is there any cure for AIDS?
NO. There is no cure for AIDS but only prevention i.e. education and awareness of the HIV- AIDS.
Fill up the blanks:
1. A person who talks freely had ____________skills
2. The late stage of HIV infection is ________________
3. First AIDS case was detected in India is ____________
4. First AIDS case was detected in Andhra Pradesh _________
5. In A.P approximately 91% of HIV infections are due to the _________mode of transmission.
6. One who can maintain relationship with friends has ________________skills.
7. _____________skill needed to take right decision.
8. HIV can be detected through _____________
9. More than 50% of new infection of HIV-AIDS is occurring in ___________of age group.
10. ________________ enzyme is present in HIV
3. 1986
4. 1987
9. 15-24 YEARS
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