First Aid

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First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury. It is usually performed by non-expert, but trained personnel to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed. Certain self-limiting illnesses or minor injuries may not require further medical care past the first aid intervention. It generally consists of a series of simple and in some cases, potentially life-saving techniques that an individual can be trained to perform with minimal equipment.

While first aid can also be performed on all animals, the term generally refers to care of human patients.

1. What is first aid?
♦ The immediate and temporary aid/care given to a victim who met an accident or suddenly falls sick is called first aid.

2. What is the purpose of first aid?
♦ Purpose of first aid is
1. To keep the victim alive
2. To releave pain or distress
3. To prevent the condition going bad till the doctor attends to the victim or the victim is reached to the hospital.

3. What are rules of first aid?
1. Do the things in orderly manner without overacting.
2. Make sure the victim is able to breathe properly since every second is important for the survival of the victim.
3. If bleeding make immediate efforts to stop the bleeding.
4. To minimise the trauma or shock, see that the victim is handled gently and by shifting the victim is minimum possible distance.
5. Care should be taken in not overdoing things which might worsen the condition of the victim.
6. Do not allow the people to crowd arround the victim.
7. Play cool and assure the victim that he is in safe hands and will be getting medical help soon.

4. What is fracture? Mention the types of fractures and explain them.
♦ A broken bone is called a fracture. Types of fractures.
1. Simple fracture: The fracture without wound.
2. Compound fracture: In compound fracture, a wound is seen at the site of fracture. In this fracture broken ends of the bones peirce through the skin.
3. Complicated fracture: In complicated fracture, the internal organs such as liver, brain, heart, intestine etc are damaged.
4. Comminuted fracture: In comminuted fracture the bone is broken at several places.
5. Impact fracture: In impact fracture the broken ends of the fractured bone are drives into one another.
6. Green stick fracture: In green stick fracture the bone just bends but does not break. This is usually seen in children.

5. What are the symptoms of fracture?
Symptoms of fractures:
1. Pain at the site of fracture.
2. Inability of the affected area to bear even the slightest pressure due to its tenderness.
3. Swelling at the site of fracture.
4. Inability to move the injured part.
5. Shortening of limbs due to the contraction of muscles followed by the piling of the broken ends of bones are above the other.
6. Unnatural movement of limb at the site of fracture.
7. Cracking or rubbing sound at the site of fracture.

6. What is first aid will render for fractures?
1. Treat the fractures at the site of the accident. Victim should not be moved unnecessarily.
2. First attend to wounds which are bleeding. Clean the wounds and make efforts to stop bleeding.
3. Clean the injured part with cotton and give support to the fractured limb with splints of wood. This will stop bleeding and prevents damage to the blood vessels, nerves and muscles.
4. Arrest the movement of the fractured bone by using splints and bandage. Bandage should be applied around the fracture site but not over the fractured bone.
5. Make arrangements for shifting the patient to a nearest doctor or to a hospital.

Fill in the blanks:
1. A German called _______ was the originator of first aid.
2. First aid was made popular by St. John's _______ service in 1879.
3. The bone is broken at several places is called _______ fracture.
4. Green stick fracture is seen in _______
5. Simple fracture is also called as _______

1. Esmarch
2. Ambulance
3. Comminuted
4. Children
5. Closed fractors


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