Central Nervous System

• Central Nervous system consists of two parts. They are Brain and spinal cord.
• Peripheral Nervous system is consisting of 43 pairs of nerves. They are cranial nerves and spinal nerve.

1. Describe the structure of Brain
Brain has three parts. They are. 1. Fore Brain.
2. Mid Brain, 3, Hind Brain.

2. Describe the structure of Cerebrum.
Fore Brain/Cerebrum:
• Fore brain is also known as cerebrum. It is the largest part of brain.
• Cerebrum has two parts called cerebral cortex and cerebral medulla.
• Cerebral Cortex has ridges and grooves called Gyri and Sulci.
• Gyri and sulci help expansion of surface of cerebral cortex, so that more number of neurons can be accommodated.
• Cerebrum has two equal halfs called right and left cerebral hemispheres. Each cerebral hemisphere is consisting of four lobes.
1) Frontal lobe              2) Parietal lobe
3) Temporal lobe          4) Occipital lobes
• A part below the cerebrum is diencephalon. It has some centres to control emotions such as anger, pain and pleasure.
• Below the diencephalon there is stalk like structure called Hypothalamus, which has same centre to control to regulate body temperature, hunger, thirst and emotions.

Functions of fore brain:
• It is a seat of learning, thinking, judgement and Memory.
• It is a seat of sense of touch, taste, smell, vision and speech. Midbrain:
• It is present between fore brain and Hind brian.
• Mid brain consists of group of nerve cells and large number of myelinated axons of the nerve cells present in other region of the brain.
• Some of the nerve cells in this region control the body muscles and their movement.

3. Describe the structure of Hind Brain.
Hind Brain:
• It consists of two parts. They are cerebellum and Brain stem.
• Cerebellum lies behind the cerebrum. The outer part of cerebellum has grey mater and inner part of cerebellum has white mater.
• Cerebellum controls all the voluntary movements of the body.
• It is also responsible for the maintenance of body equilibrium and posture of the body.

Brain stem:
• Brain stem has two parts they are pons varoli and Medulla oblongata.

Medulla Oblongata:
• It is continuous as the spinal cord. In medulla oblongata the white matter is on the surface and grey matter is in the deeper layers.
• Medulla oblongata has centres to control several vital functions of the body such as respirations, heart beat, blood pressure, temperature, secretion by salivary glands etc.

4. Describe the structure of spinal cord.
• Spinal cord is a long and cylindrical structure. It passes through vertebral column extending all along the dorsal surface of trunk.
• In the cross section of spinal cord, the grey matter appears like butterfly or in the shape of letter 'H'.
• Each segment of the 'H' shaped grey matter is called Horn. The upper horns are called dorsal horns and lower horns are called ventral horns.
• In the middle of the grey matter is a canal called spinal canal. It runs all along the length of spinal cord and it is filled with cerebrospinal fluid.
• From spinal cord 31 pairs of nerves takes thin origin and supply branches to various parts of the body.
• The main function of the spinal cord is to act as relay station or telephone exchanger
• The spinal cord plays a major role is the reflex actions.

5. Write a short note as cranial nerves and spinal nerve? 
Cranial Nerves:
• Cranial nerves are 12 pairs. They are oxygenated from brain.
• Some Cranial nerves act as sensory, some as motor and few are mixed nerves. Branches of these nerves  to the retina, ear, nose, tongue, eye muscles, face, neck and pharynx.
• The tenth cranial nerve is called VAGUS nerve. It plays a vital role is controls the rate of heart beat and secretion of pancreas.

Spinal nerves:
• Spinal nerves are 31 pairs and they are formed from spinal cord.
• Spinal nerves are act as mixed nerves.
• Spinal nerves have both sensory and motor nerve fibres.
• Spinal nerves carry information from organs to spinal cord.

6. What are the functions of cerebellum?
• Cerebellum controls all the voluntary movements of the body.
• It also helps in the maintenance of body equilibrium and posture of the body.