The Curse of the Baskervilles

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1. When Hugo discovered that his prisoner had escaped, what did he do? (Mar90)When Hugo discovered that his prisoner had escaped he was overcome with rage. He ran downstairs into the dining room, jumped on the the table and shouted at every one that he would destroy himself if he did not overtake the girl. He ran from the house and got on a horse and went in pursuit of her.

2. According to the "Devon Country Chronicle" How did Sir Charles die? Does Dr. Mortimer agree with this version? According to the Devon Country Chronicle Charles died of heart failure. There is no reason to suspect foul play or to imagine that his death was unnatural No signs of violence could be seen on his body. The doctor's report said that Sir Charles face was deformed. But it is not unusual in deaths caused by heart failure. The report also said that he had a long standing organic disease but Dr. Mortimer does not agree with this version.

3. What is the private fact that Shelorck Holmes wants Dr. Mortimer to tell him? Why didn't Dr. Mortimer tell the jury this?
What fact did Dr. Mortimer withhold from the coroner's jury at the time of inquest? Why did he do so? (March 99)
Dr. Morimer observed some fresh and clear foot prints a little away from the body of Sir Charles. They were the foot prints of a gigantic hound. Dr. Mortimer didn't say this in court because he thought it would have seemed rediculous that a man of science should believe in such superstitions. Also no one would want to rent Baskerville Hall if anything else were added to its already grim reputation.

4. How did Hugo meet his death? (I.M.P.) (Or) Who was the prisoner of Hugo? Why was she a prisoner? Why and how did she escape? (Sep. '93)Hugo fell in love with a neighbouring landowner's daughter. She avoided him as she was frightened of his evil reputation. One day Hugo and a few of his wicked friends carried her away. They locked her up in a room in the Manor. The girl escaped from the room by climbing down the ivy growing on the South wall. When he went to give her food and drink, he found her missing. He ran from the house, and got on a horse and went inpursuit of her. His friends went after him, found the dead bodies of the girl and Hugo in a narrow valley.

5. What was the verdict of the Coroner's jury about the death of Sir Charles? How did they arrive at it? The verdict of the Coroner's jury was that Charles died of heart failure. No signs of violence could be seen on his body. The doctor's reports said that Sir Charles face was deformed. But it is not unusual in deaths caused by heart failure. The postmortem also showed a long standing organic disease. So the Coroner's jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical report.

6. Why did Dr. Mortimer advise Sir Charles to go to London? Sir Charles had a bad heart. He believed in the legend of the Hound of the Baskervilles. He was convinced that a dreadful fate overhung his family. He was hunted by some ghostly presence. Often he saw a strange creature at night. He was very much frightened of it. Dr. Mortimer thought this constant anxiety was having a bad effect on his already bad heart. So Mortimer advised Charles to go to London for a change.

7. What were the public facts concerning Charle's death? What private facts does Dr. Mortimer add? (March 96, 2002) The public fact was that Sir Charles died of heart failure or some organic disease. the private fact was that Sir Charles was convinced that a dreadful fate overhung his family and he was haunted by some ghostly presence. Dr. Mortimer did not reveal these facts in the court as it would have seemed ridiculous and nobody would want to rent Baskerville. Hall if anything else were added to its already grim reputation.

8. How did Dr. Mortimer's version of Sir Charles' death differ from the official account? The official version of Sir Charles death was in accordance with the medical report. According to it, he died of heart failure and nervous depression and there were no signs of and violence on his body. But Dr. mortimer believed in the family legend since he had seen some fresh and clear and enormous foot prints of a gigantic hound a little away from Charles' body. so he suspected that there was some supernatural element behind the death of Caharles.

9. What kind of a person was Sir Hugo Baskerville? How did he bring about his own death and a curse on his family?Hugo was a wild, wordly and godless man. He loved the daughter of neighbouring landlord but the girl avoided him. So he along with some friends carried the girl away and locked her up in the Manor. She managed to escape. Hugo chashed the girl on his black mare. He let the hounds loose on her. Later, surprisingly Hugo was lying dead next to her in the valley. People say that black beast larger than any hound had plucked his throat and killed him. Thus Hugo brought about his own death and a curse on his family. Many members of the family have had unhappy deaths, which have been sudden, bloody and mysterious.


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