The Beauty of Brotherhood

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It is a speech given by Martin Luther King Junior while ccepting Nobel peace prize in a ceremony on Thursday, December 10, 1964 at Aula of the university, Oslo in Norway. According to the speaker, the Nobel prize awarded to him was in recognitin of non violence as the answer to the crucial, politcal and moral questions of his times and the need for man to overcome oppression. He accepts the award on behalf of the Civil Rights Movement which is moving with determination to reign of freedom and a rule of Justice.
Notions refused by the speaker:

a) The 'isness' of man's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal 'oughtness'.
b) Man is unable to influence the event surrounding him.
c) Mankind is tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and the bright day break of peace and brogher hood can never become real.
d) Nation after nation would be destroyed in war.

Beliefs of the speaker:
i) Unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.
ii) Right temporarily defeated is stronger than evil triumphant.
iii) There will be a brighter tomorrow in the midst of violence.
iv) The wounded justice, lying prostrate on the blood flowing streets, can be lifted from the dust of shame to reign supreme.
v) What self centred men have torn-down, men other - centred can build up.
vi) Non-violent redemptive good will be proclaimed the rule of the land.
vii) Man kind will bow before the altar of God.
viii) Faith can give the mankind the required courage to face the uncertainties of the future.

1. In his speech "The Beauty of Brotherhood" Martin Luther King Jr. refused to accept certain ideas and nations. What are they?Notions refused by Martin Luther King:
a) The 'isness' of mna's present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal 'oughtness'.
b) Man is unable to influence the event surrounding him.
c) Mankind is tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and the bright day break of peace and brother hood can never become real.
d) Nation after nation would be destroyed in war.

2. What phrases, words and sentences indicate that the violence against the Blacks was unprovoked?
How brutally were the Black Americans treated by the Whites?
Martin Luther King Jr. was a crusader. He wanted to stop the racial injustice committed by the Whites on the Blacks. The life of Negroes in America was pathetic in the times of Martin Luther King Jr. The Negroes who were appealing for brotherhood were answered with fire hoses, snarling dogs and even death. The Negro youth, who were seeking the right to vote were brutally killed. Some churches or houses of worship sheltering Blacks were bombed and burnt. Most Blacks thus led a pathetic life due to the inhuman treatment meted out to them by the Whites.

3. What does the award of the prize for according to Martin Luther King? According to Martin Luther King the award of the prize stands for the profound recognition of the value of the nonviolent movement. Non-violence can be the answer for the brutal cruelty and oppression. He accepts the award on behalf of the Civil Rights Movement which is moving with determination to reign of freedom and a rule of Justice.

4. How does the speaker want to turn the 'cosmic elegy' into 'creative psalm'? Martin Luther King regarded the recognition of non-violence as the answer to the question of the man to overcome oppression. He felt that the Black. Americans, like the Indians, had demonstrated to the world that non-violence was not a sterile passivity but a powerful moral force. It was a way of social transformation, as violence was an antithetical concept of civilization. This social transformation would thereby bring about a change. This was the song of sadness - cosmic elegy - that plagued the world. By overcoming moral oppression, or cosmic elegy, King believes there would come about a creative psalm of brotherhood. Sooner or later King hoped that the people of the world would learn to live together, reject revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of all this lay in love.

5. Why does the speaker call the battle 'Creative'?In every battle, generally deaths are caused and so we call them destructive battles. But the speaker in his speech calls the battle 'Creative' because he wants to create right and equal society in U.S.A.

6. In the Beauty of Brotherhood Martin Luther King Jr. says that he has great faith in the future. What are the things he believes will happen? Martin Luther King Jr... speaks positively about the future, even though the global situation of his time was married by an arms race and social discrimination. King believes that in the future, nations would not hurt themselves towards a war of thermonuclear destruction. He believes in the power of non- violence and unconditional love bringing about a brighter future in a war - torn world. Despite the blatant denial of justice and cruelty in his time he believes that the wrongs against people will be redeemed. Despite starvation and the lack of educaiton and culture, people in future would receive three meals - a day and the chance to be educated and live with dignity and freedom. Finally he believes that people will rise above the prevailing godless situation and begin to praise the Creator despite all the Biblical prophecy of the lion and the lamb sharing a common hearth and everyman having his own material needs fulfilled, shall come to pass.

7. How appropriate is Martin Luther Kings' comparison of himself to the pilot of a plane on a successful flight? Martin Luther King leads a civil rights movement against racial discrimination. Since is supported by many known and unknown people, and as he believes that he can lead them to victory, he compares himself to the pilot of a place on a successful flight. So the comparison quite appropriate.

8. Martin Lugher's speech is full of bold and suggestive phrases like 'audacious faith', 'flotsam and jetsam in a river of life', 'the starless midnight of racism', etc. What do they mean? Martin Luther kings says that he has full and audacious faith in the goodness of man. He refuses to accept that man had lost his significance by making himself flotsam and jetsam. He also refuses to accept that break of peace and brogherhood can never become a reality. He believes that we can overcome the weakness one day.

9. It is a 'logical' speech or an 'emotional' speech. How? It is more or less a very emotional speech. Emotions are caused by injustice made to the black people in the U.S.A. It is less logical because he does not give any logical points to bring the possibility of a just society based on equality.


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