Animals Forever

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1. What species or living things are endangered of extinction?Many mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish are some of the species of living things endangered of extinction. Gerald Durrel, fears that trees and plants and shrubs too are faced with extinction.

2. In paragraph 4 the writer says, "The world is as delicated and as complicated as a spider's web....." What is the point of comparison? Is it to suggest that the world is a trap to catch animals? *
"The world is as delicate and as complicated as a spider's web" What does it mean? 
The world is as delicate and so complicated as a spider's web. If we touch one thread of the web, we will send shudders to all the threads in the web. In the same way, if one species is put to danger the other species will also be put to danger because of ecological balnce. Similarly in the world all the created things are interdependent and interconnected with one another.
Gerald Durrell has compared our world with a spider's web because of its intrinsic complexity and delicacy. He claims that the world of living creatures has the same fragility as a spider's web because if one interferes with a single aspect of this system, like a spider's web, it sends shudders through all the threads of links in the chain of this system. Durrell goes on to explain that like the web, this system is delicate and man, by his callous disregard of the fragility of the system, through his actions, is creating large holes in it. So just as large hole in a spider's web leads to the complete collapse of the entire web, such actions by man is akin to the waging of a biological war on the world around us.

3. Why does "paper protection" of animals prove to be futile? The 'paper protection' of animals is the protection of animals, by the government, by passing a law to that effect. It proves to be futile because it does not guarantee sufficient funds to make it an effective law. Although paper protection helps to set up reserves there are no funds allocated for funding zoologists, ecologists or biologists who could tell whether the reserves were the most important areas for the protected species. Even investigations for finding out whether there were any animals of the concerned species in that reserve were not investigaged prior to declaring the area as a protected reserve. The suitability of those areas for creating reserves too, were not investigated under the terms of this paper protection. The lack of funds under this law led to the non-employment of guards and wardens, thus making the paper protection of reserves null and void.

4. What does the phrase 'paper protection' in para 12 mean?

For a government, 'paper protection' is some act or an order for protection of wild life. It is purely limited to paper only. But it doesn't see whether such an order is executed or implemented.

5. The writer described two important measures to conserve wild life in para 14 and 15. What are they?The writer suggests two important measures to conserve wild life. A government should allot sufficient funds to maintain the reserves of wild life. Some species of animals can be saved being taken into zoological gardens or zoo parks and bred under controlled conditions. Required guards should be employed to protect them.

6. What did Red Data Books (Produced by Internation Union for the capitalization of Nature)deal with? The Red Data Books (produced by the International Union for the conservation of Nature) deals with mammals and birds in the world that are facing extinction directly or indirectly through the interference of man.

7. We know that 'Buffalo Bill' Cody.... the writer says 'much lauded'. Why does he
say so? (March 89, 2002)
In 'Animals Forever' how did the North American buffalo come very near to extinction?
The writer of "Animals Forever" says that Buffalo Bill Cody killed the north American wild buffaloes in hundreds. Still, the writer syas, he is much lauded. Who lauded Buffalo Bill Cody? What is the writer's attitude to Buffalo Bill? 
In Animals Forever Gerald Durrell referred to the North American Buffalo which was almost about to get extinct. At first it was killed in order to provide meat to the Red Indians, the natives America. In the next instance it was killed as a deliberate act of policy in order to try to starve the Red Indians to deth. It was one of the commodities that the Red Indians could not do without. Finally, it was killed merely for its tongue, which ws considered a delicacy. "Buffalo Bill" Cody once killed two hundred and fifty buffaloes in one day americans lauded him. The writer condemns this senseless killing.

8. The passenger pigeons were so delicious to eat, so plentiful, Who thought so? How did it become extinct? (June 2001)
What is the story of the passenger pigeon that the writer tells us in Animals Forever? What does it prove? 
Passenger pigeon was the most numerous species of bird in the world. Flocks of them darkened the skied and perched on the trees. Mostly the people of North America killed the birds abundantly. They were so delicious to eat and so plentiful to get. This might be the cause of their killing.
Flocks of passenger pigeons estimated at two billion used to darken the skies. The weight of their numbers perching in trees could break off quite large branches. It was impossible, everyone thought that the passenger pigeon could ever be exterminated. So they killed and the last passenger pigeon in the world died in 1914. It proves that whatever be the numerical value of species they become extinct if they are not properly taken care of.

9. We noticed that the writer is ironical, satirical when we see 'Buffalo Bill' and so deliciuls to eat. Can you find some examples of his irony? 
The writer ironically said that 'Buffalo Bill' was 'much lauded' and the deliciousness and plentifulness of the passenger pigeons. Some more examples of his irony can be observed to para 8. Man is clever enough to obliterate a species, but not clever enough to recreate the same. An old man should die of bleeding, though plenty of blood is available with the blood bank, because some day he has to die. The people of whaling industry say "Harvest" but not "kill" the whales and their mottois to get rich today and to hell with tomorrow.

10. In para 9 the writer said such a shriek, such an out cry, such lamentation, that ..... etc., What does he mean by the repetition of 'such'?By the repetition of 'such' in the sentence, the writer meant to say that if a few human beings were knocked down, there would be a great protest and out cry over the death but they do not bother at the death of millions of birds and animals in a year. This shows the indifferent attitude of man towards the wild life.

11. "Not that I'm against the motor car per se, but you do see my point" Do you see his point? What is it?
If the people of a country protest the accidental deaths of human beings, the government may make them give up the motor cars showing much attention towards the human beings. Here the writer is not against the motor cars, but he points out why the people or the government of a country would not be kind to the wild life to prevent the extinction of some species.

12. 'Study the epigraph at the beginning of this essay' What is the purpose of the quotation?It is to say that man is waging a biological war and destroying the world in which he lives. He lacks in fore thought and causing destruction to the mankind.

13. Do you see the similarity in attitude of the poets of 'On Killing a tree' 'Gallows', 'Snakes' and that of Gerald Durrell to he subjects?In Gieve Patel's, 'On killing a tree' he criticises the man's cruelty in killing a tree as man has no right to kill it. In 'Gallows' Edward Thomas said the man kills the animals for his own benefits not for his survival. In 'Snake', D.h. Lawrence regretted his mean and vulgar misdeed in trying to harm the snake. So the three poets have the similar attitude of Gerald Durrell.

14. "We are waging a sort of Biological war on the world around us". says Durrel. How are we doing it.a) We are sending our industrial waste into the rivers.
b) We are polluting the sea and air.
c) It creates ecological imbalance and destruction to a number of living things.

15. How did the Australian Government preserve 'Noisy Scrub bird'? In Asustralia, they re-discovered the Noisy Scrub Bird which had been thought to be extinct. It's nesting ground happended to be on a site which had been chosen for a large township. But the whole thing was replanned, in order that the Bird should be left in peace and have its own reserve.

16. How did then Duke of Bedford save the Pere David deer from extinction? Pere David deer became extinct during Boxer Rebellion. But the then Duke of Bedford collected all the Pere David deer, he could find in the zoological gardens. He released them on his estate at Woburn. There they flourished and bred. Thus it was saved.


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